Inspiration Pin
We've only done one or two science experiments at home but my kids keep insisting that they are now scientists and need to study things. So, this morning I told J and A that we were going to do a science experiment this afternoon. Lucky for me there are tons of toddler science related pins on Pinterest, and so I just searched around until I found one that was quick and easy. Here's what we needed:
1empty bottle
baking soda
1 balloon
1/2 cup of water
The first step is to mix some baking soda in the water and show the kids that nothing happens. Not a very exciting step, but the instructions said to do it and so we did.
Next, we mixed some vinegar and baking soda in the measuring cup. This had a much more exciting reaction. At this point, I tried to explain about gases and how they can fill containers even though we can't really see the gas. The kids got bored and I confused myself, so we moved on.
Finally, I added vinegar to the bottle, poured in some baking soda, and quickly put the balloon over the lip of the bottle. The balloon started to inflate which was pretty cool. I think I got more baking soda on the table than in the bottle but overall it was a quick and fun experiment and the kids really liked it.
P.S. Yes, Jack is wearing his Darth Vader costume AGAIN. And yes, Anna is wearing a slip as a tutu. It's her favorite dancing outfit. I promise we did get dressed and leave the house today!
So fun! I love Jacks expression in that picture! You are such a cool Mom to do science experiments with your kids!